The Protector Read Online Free Books by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 138
Estimated words: 128980 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 645(@200wpm)___ 516(@250wpm)___ 430(@300wpm)

I could make her come in a second if I keep my mouth here, yet knowing how much satisfaction I’ll win by doing that isn’t enough. So I continue the hard lash of my tongue, up to her stomach, her torso, and onto her breasts, the sweet tips like dark pebbles, each vying for my attention. I indulge them both, dividing my time, the water pounding my back as Cami continues to tug my hair.

“You want me back inside, angel?” I ask, lightly biting down on one erect nub, dragging it through my teeth until it pops free. “Tell me, Cami. Tell me where you want me.”

Her head drops and she pants, desperation rampant on her gorgeous, fresh face. “I want this.” She reaches down and grabs my cock. I gasp. “I want this inside me.”

I have no clue how the fuck she manages it, but she pushes me to my arse. Then she’s on my lap, pressing into my shoulders a second later, forcing me to my back. I follow her lead, smiling like crazy on the inside, and lay down on the shower floor, immune to the hardness beneath me. She lifts on her knees and watches me as she reaches between her legs and reclaims my dick.

Fuck me, she’s going to ride me, and while that strips some of my control, I’m more than happy with my new view. My arms come up over my head as she takes her sweet time guiding me to her, her mouth lax, her eyes hooded. This right here has just taken first position in my most favorite views of all time. Her breasts, her face, and if I look down, my cock entering her, are all within sight. Holy shit, I’m in heaven.

She sinks down, forcing sharp breaths from me and a need to resist throwing my hips up and slamming into her. Let her have her way. Let her possess my body like she does my mind.

“Oh fuck!” I look down and see myself half-submerged, tinkering on the edge of full penetration. She’s not without a powerful reaction herself. Her legs are trembling, trying to hold herself above me, extending my torturous delight. “All the way, angel. Take me all the way.”

She gasps, telling me the position is making it harder for her to take me fully. “One second,” she pants, clenching her eyes shut just as she releases her muscles and drops the rest of the way.

I buck on a roar, and Cami screams, the noise overwhelming the hammering of the water. My hands shoot up and grab the tops of her thighs, holding her still. She’s not moved yet and this is already too much to cope with. One stroke and I might explode. I’m not done yet!

“Easy, angel,” I say, the sheer wonderful sensations making me drowsy. “Take your time.”

She groans, slapping her hands into my abs, her head dropping. “I can do it,” she says, rounding her small hips, sucking in air. I force myself to remain still. It takes every fucking scrap of strength I have and more. Then she circles again, and I choke, digging my fingers into her thighs. “Oh God, yes!” she cries, hitting me with another rotation.

My world tumbles into a decadent bliss that will never be rivaled. She finds strength from somewhere and drives on, her head tossed back, her screams constant. Never before have I experienced anything like it, and never again am I likely to, unless it’s with this heaven-sent angel connected to me, looking like she’s on the cusp of explosion.

Just as her arms stiffen, forcing her palms into me, the blood swirling in my cock rushes to the very tip, making my hips jerk, taking on a mind of their own.

“Cami.” I try to warn her, try to tell her that I’ve reached the point of no return, but then she wails, landing me with wide, hungry eyes. She’s nearly there, too. “Oh, yeah,” I choke, starting to work her motions by shoving her thighs back and forth, pushing us both on, stimulating more feeling.


I see her mouth open and lip-read her yelling my name, but all I can hear is my blood rushing through my veins as my arousal swells, jerks and bursts within her, the rolls of release coming and coming until the intensity of it renders me incapable of admiring her fighting her way through her own climax.

I close my eyes, feeling her fall onto my chest in an exhausted heap. My arms find some energy to encase her, my heart beats wildly against her chest.

I’ll pick her up soon and take her to my bed. But until then, she’s good held tightly in my arms. It’s where I plan on keeping her.

Chapter 20


My last memory is the feel of Jake’s chest against my cheek and the water hitting my back. Somewhere between then and now, he’s moved us to his bed. I don’t remember when. I must have been unconscious, knocked out by exhaustion and pure contentment. Sex with Jake has been overwhelming every single time, but last night in the shower was on another level. I’ve never been taken to those heights before. I’ve never been made to feel so needed and wanted. It was all-consuming.


