The Protector Read Online Free Books by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 138
Estimated words: 128980 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 645(@200wpm)___ 516(@250wpm)___ 430(@300wpm)

I realize the importance of knocking him off the scent. It’s hard when I’m seething on the inside, knowing that he’s not being honest about his daughter’s protection. I need to rein myself in. He’s willing to put Cami at risk in an attempt to keep me away from her? I fear that’s the crux of it. Does he realize who he is dealing with? I’m no pathetic prep boy with a drug habit. Nor will I be paid off, not for all the money in the world. For the first time in his life, I’m going to make Trevor Logan feel weak and powerless. And I’m going to fucking enjoy it.

“Whatever my daughter wants,” he mumbles quietly, making my lip curl.

“Whatever Camille wants,” I reply. “I’ll relieve myself of duty when I have concrete evidence that Cami’s no longer at risk. I have a clean sheet, Logan. It’s why you hired me, remember?” I hang up, resisting adding on the end that I’m about to go and give his daughter what she really wants.


I’ve also resisted advising the pompous arsehole that his wife is getting what she wants from his divorce lawyer. Information is pouring in now, but it takes me a nanosecond to decide it’d be safer not to tell Cami what I’ve learned, and while it goes against my instinct, I’m not going to beat myself up with guilt. Logan’s bribe of Cami’s ex, his wife’s infidelity, the secret e-mail account—it’s all ammo I can use in a war that I don’t plan on losing.

Chucking my phone onto my desk, I kick my feet up and rest my head on the back of my chair. For the first time today, I feel relaxed, despite all of the revelations. Because she’s here. With me. It’s been a long, draining day. I can think of a wonderful way to end it on a high.

I stand and walk over to my drinks cabinet, catching a whiff of the long-lost scent of Jack on my way. I haven’t had a drink in weeks, and I would never usually while on the job. But my job isn’t usually within the safe confines of my apartment. I grab a glass, pour a healthy dose, and bring it to my lips, inhaling. Oh, that smells good. I knock it back and slam the glass down, letting the burn of the liquor heat me through on its way to my stomach.

Then I start unbuttoning my shirt as I prowl toward my bathroom, hearing the sound of water pouring over her naked body. I shrug off my shirt and let it fall from my hands before starting on the fly of my trousers, stopping at my bedroom door to push them from my legs and remove my shoes. Once I’m naked, I pad on bare feet toward the bathroom, the rush of water sounding louder until I’m on the edge of the steam-ridden room. I walk quietly to the shower, searching through the fog, until I’m a foot away from the glass door.

Her back is to me, her willowy body drenched and calling. I’m certain I could just stand here all night and watch her quietly as she runs her hands all over her skin, her head dropped back, accepting the water beating down on her face. Her blond hair is sopping and stuck to her back, skimming her gorgeous, pert arse, and her hands come up, bracing on the tiles before her. My erection lunges, desperate for me to take her.

I open the door and watch as her shoulders jump a little. She knows I’m here. My lips part, and I psych myself up for the pleasure I’m about to take. I scan her back as she removes her hands from the wall, her delicate chin coming to her shoulder, giving me her profile. She doesn’t give me her eyes, though. She doesn’t need to. Her body is singing to me, calling me to take her as much as my dripping cock is.

Her fragility should render me petrified of touching her. But I can’t break her. She’s too strong, and when we connect, I feel that strength growing for reasons I can’t fathom. She feeds off me as much as I feed off her. She wants me. Maybe a little naively, but I’ve forbidden myself to question my motives for holding back on information that might change her mind. Here and now, there’s a very real danger in the form of her corrupt father, and protecting Cami from him is my priority. It’s not only my paid duty to protect this woman. It’s my life’s mission.

I reach forward and take her hair, gently gathering it into my fist and moving it to the side so I can see the full length of her perfect spine. She keeps her profile in my view, her mouth falling open as she takes what I’ve gathered and pulls it down her front, helping me. My fingertips drift through the air and come to rest at the base of her neck, the light pressure causing her to push her breasts forward, bowing her back.


