The Protector Read Online Free Books by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 138
Estimated words: 128980 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 645(@200wpm)___ 516(@250wpm)___ 430(@300wpm)

The animal in me shouts for me to slam her into the wall and take what she’s willing to give, but the growing softness of my heart forbids it. Every woman I’ve had in this apartment has been fucked. Hard, fast, and with no consideration for their pleasure. Cami isn’t going to be one of those faceless women.

Lightly and slowly, knowing what it will do to her, I draw a perfect straight line down her back, licking my lips as I go, hearing the increased rate of her breathing. It’s like a drug. An addictive drug. The tip of one finger reaches the tiny indentation at the top of her arse and circles, before I spread my palm and cup a cheek possessively. She jerks and slams her hands back into the wall, a small cry permeating the air.

I move in, unable to keep my distance any longer, my wet chest merging with her back. Her soft skin slips teasingly against mine as my hardness wedges itself into her lower back, forcing us closer, making me relinquish my hold of her arse. It’s no great loss when we’re touching everywhere. The flesh of her neck glistens up at me, and I dip down, licking across it, my palms finding her breasts and blanketing them.

“What would you like me to do to you, Camille?” I murmur against her skin, forcing her forward into the wall until she’s trapped under my body.

She cranes her neck, nuzzling into my face until she finds my lips. The force of her kiss is mind-blanking. “Do what you want. Take what you want.” Her tongue rolls over the words perfectly, pushing them deep down into my chest. I feel them sear my heart and bring another small part of me back to life.

My rapacious growl rumbles from the pit of my stomach and erupts, echoing through the confines of my shower. I spin her to face me and reach behind her thighs, yanking her up my body and slamming her back into the wall. She gasps and squirms, wriggling against the tiles as she grapples at my shoulders. The slippery movements do nothing more than increase my hunger for her, and I’m thinking she knows that. If I were in a teasing mood, I’d prolong the whole episode, make her beg, just to get a thrill out of knowing how much she wants me. But my own desperation to rid today of the trials we’ve faced is too powerful for me to hold back. I jack her up, level myself, and let her sink onto my cock.

The sensation of her wet pussy surrounding me does exactly what I knew it would. My mind is wiped of everything except Cami. She is all I see, all I feel. She belongs to me, every piece of her spirit, her body, and her heart. I’ll cherish it all with everything I have. Let it be known, as God is my witness, I’ll tear apart anyone who tries to take her away from me, be it her ex-boyfriend, her father, or an unknown threat. Blood will be shed, and I will show no remorse for the carnage I create along the way.


I withdraw, savoring every second, and then slowly and precisely drive back into her, pushing her up the wall on a disjointed cry. I have every intention of extending our pleasure long into the night, until she’s physically exhausted and I can carry her to my bed and lay her down. Knowing she wants that, too, is making it all very easy to take my time with her. I find her swollen lips and kiss her gently, rolling my tongue slowly, exploring her mouth deliberately. Her moans feed my purpose, her hands skating my shoulders, working their way to my neck and holding on as she returns my kiss with equal passion and intent. My hips are rolling, grinding, searching for the innermost part of her, and with each plunge, it becomes more difficult to resist release. With each retreat, my cock pulses harder. Holding onto my control is easy when I see that she’s as lost in the moment as I am.

I’m not ready for this to end yet.

I surprise myself when I pull free of her on another retreat, my hips trembling, telling me to find her warmth again. Yet I don’t. Instead, I push her legs down and let her find her feet, steadying her, before I crouch and look up at her, kissing the inside of her thigh.

“Oh God!” She grabs my hair and tugs, wrestling with me as I work my mouth up to her core. Her entrance is wide open, exposed and swollen.

“Hmmm.” I lick a firm stroke up her center, nibbling on her twitching clit as I pass. Shit, she tastes divine.

“Jake!” She starts to shake before me, vibrating against the tiles.


