The Sweetest Chirp – IceCats Read Online Toni Aleo

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 91
Estimated words: 87368 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 437(@200wpm)___ 349(@250wpm)___ 291(@300wpm)

“This is your niece,” I say, and then I drop my lips to the top of Arwen’s little head. She looks up at me, grinning, and I can’t look away.

I don’t want to look away.

Ever again.


Arwen and I are coloring when the door opens an hour later. I thought Arwen was a pretty freaking cool kid before, but she’s so much more than I ever could have imagined. She is witty and quick with her hands. I can tell that Audrina has worked hard with her from all the resources and hand-strengthening tools she has. It’s apparent Audrina made sure to do everything my mom and dad did when we learned of Ingrid’s diagnosis.

It actually made Ingrid cry when she saw all the supplies Audrina had for Arwen. Of course, Arwen was stoked to show Ingrid everything, and her auntie ate it up. They couldn’t get enough of each other, both signing quickly and wanting to know everything. The last thing Ingrid said when we ended the call was, “Bring her home now.”

I have every intention of doing so.

Audrina takes in the scene as she shuts the door with her foot, holding a tray of plates. Her teeth sink into her lip as she looks between us. I notice that Arwen didn’t hear her come in, so I tap her before pointing to Audrina. Arwen’s sweet face lights up as she says, Mommy!

Audrina grins at our daughter, not me, as she jazz hands with one hand before coming to the table where we sit. Arwen is already cleaning up our mess, but I find I’m still watching Audrina. It’s insane how gorgeous I still find her even after everything that has happened. How obsessed I am with the small upturn of her nose, how I wish I could taste her lips. I wonder if it would be as good as it was before. If she tastes the same or if everything has changed. Kissing her pulse point was nowhere near enough. I want more.

I need more.

I know I should hate her for how this all went down. Especially after spending this last hour with the most amazing, smartest little girl I’ve ever met. I am in awe of how Audrina has raised her. It’s obvious that Arwen is her main focus, but it irritates the ever-loving fuck out of me that she doesn’t have insurance and Arwen is not getting the best care. It’s asinine to me because Audrina has money, but instead, she is choosing to stay holed up in this room. The rational part of me understands, but the protective part is livid. I don’t hate Audrina for hiding my child—I can’t, after what I said—but I am mad and hurt. I want to shake her for stealing my time with my daughter, but I get it.

I broke her.

But were my crimes really just cause for three missed years of my child’s life?

Three years earlier…

My leg is a blazing inferno of fiery pain.

I realize that pain is a part of recovery, but fuck me sideways, this hurts. Could have something to do with the different ways I had Audrina last night. Under me, on top of me, over the couch, over the counter, in the shower, from the side… And listen, I didn’t let my knee hold me back. I’ve been waiting since I knew what sex was to have Audrina. There was no way in hell I was going to be a two-pump chump. Knee be damned.

Now, though, as the pain radiates up my leg and I’m limping like I just had surgery, I wonder if she would have been okay with a two-pump chump? I gave her multiple orgasms, but maybe she wouldn’t have noticed if I came once I got inside her.

It’s a compliment, really.

I scoff at myself as I head toward the medical part of the compound, needing some meds and hoping to catch Audrina. Even with the pain, I’m giddy to see her today. I want to ask her out on a real date. I realize that we live together, but I want to take her somewhere special. I want to show her who I am as a boyfriend. As much as my heart screams we’re together, I want to romance her. Ask her out the way she deserves and then continue to show her how much better I am as a boyfriend than a best friend.

I grin to myself as I think of how gloriously naked I left her this morning. She was wrapped in my sheets, her hair a wild mess along my pillows as she snored lightly. I kissed the side of her mouth, not wanting to wake her, but she clung to me. “PT?”

Even though she is a physical therapist for the IceCats, she can’t be mine because we know each other outside the rink. They worry she won’t push me, but what they don’t know is I wouldn’t listen to Charles if it weren’t for Audrina. She forces me to do the exercises he gives me, and she even stretches with me at the house. We don’t want to rock the boat, though, so we keep that on the down-low.


