The Sweetest Chirp – IceCats Read Online Toni Aleo

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 91
Estimated words: 87368 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 437(@200wpm)___ 349(@250wpm)___ 291(@300wpm)

I kiss her again before I whisper against her swollen lips, “Yeah. When do you go in?”

“Eight. Are you working out before?”

I do upper body before I go to PT. “Honestly, after lifting your sexy ass up all night to fuck you in all those delicious ways, I shouldn’t, but I am.”

She grins, her teeth grazing my lips. “Be careful when you’re lifting, though. Don’t put all that weight on your right hip.”

My lips quirk, and I kiss her again. “Yes, ma’am.”

She reaches up, squeezing my throat playfully before she rolls over. I smack her ass, rewarded with a sexy gasp before she wiggles it for me. So, I slap it again.

As any smart man would.

Now, I want to smack it again…and maybe once more for good measure. Fuck, I can’t believe last night happened. I’ve wanted to taste her for so long. To feel her in my arms, to hold her after I made her scream my name over and over. We are so close, but now that we’re intimately acquainted, I don’t know how I’d ever handle not having that with her. I’ve been craving intimacy from her for years. There have been so many moments I just wanted to kiss her grin off. Or call her a brat before I smacked that ass. I can do that with a girlfriend, but with a best friend, it’s a bit frowned upon. I never allowed myself to cross that line, but after last night, I cleared that sucker like I was clearing the zone to score the winning goal.

And I did.

A hat trick, honestly.

My grin grows as I limp down the corridor of the IceCats compound. If I weren’t so distracted this morning, I would have grabbed my crutches and made sure I had my meds ready. Alas, Audrina is playing on a loop in my brain. How her eyes locked on mine, how she grinned so widely at me as we cuddled, how my heart thudded in tandem with hers.

How it’s meant to.

How perfect we felt together.

I hear her laughter as I get closer to her treatment room, and before I can get excited for more of the sound, it’s interrupted by the low chuckle of a man. As much as my brain flips to jealousy, I have to remind myself she works with a team of guys. She is just doing her job. She’s mine. I have nothing to worry about.

“Are you and Orlov together?” I hear him ask. Jessie Drouin. Fuckwit. “Because if not, you should give me a chance.”

Audrina’s voice is playful. “I can’t date guys I work on.”

“Then I’ll work with Charles. I’d love to do this naked.”

Her laughter sets my teeth on the edge, but when I turn the corner, I find her with her body laid over his, pressing his knee into his chest. It’s a normal move, nothing to worry about, but the way his hands are at her hips, very close to her butt, has me seeing red. It’s expected for us to put our hands above our heads, not on the therapist’s ass. It’s common fucking courtesy.

Don’t lose it. It’s all fine. Just ask him nicely to move his motherfucking hands off your girl.

“Hey, fuckwad. Get your hands off her ass,” I practically roar.

Way to go.

Fuck off. I tell myself as Drouin throws his hands up, and Audrina steps back quickly, her eyes bugging out and going wild.

“Thatcher, what the hell?”

I glare at her, limping toward her. “Don’t ‘what the hell’ me. I heard you flirting⁠—”

“I was not! I was joking around!”

“Dude, it isn’t like that.” Drouin tries sitting up. “We always mess around, I promise.”

That does not help the rage I feel.

“Always, huh?” I snap at her, and her face fills with color.

“It’s not like that. It’s just to pass time.”

“He had his hands on your ass. Is that how you do your job? Hands all over you and them?” I yell, and her eyes narrow as she steps toward me.

“Do not try to make what I do sexual. It is health care, and that’s it. I am doing my job.”

The rage is eating at me, and all I see are his hands on her. “Your job is not to flirt with everyone and touch them.”

“This is ridiculous. I am doing my job.” The rational part of my brain knows this, but her track record isn’t helping. Especially since it’s so damn fresh in my mind. She just hooked up with Dart six months ago, and I’m still a bit butthurt about it.

“Your job is to press your genitals to his?”

“Thatty, stop. That’s not what was happening! His hip needed the stretch. There was nothing sexual, and you know it.” While she seems calm, her face tells a whole other story. She’s freaking out. She knows she was caught, and I don’t get that. Why is there guilt if she did nothing wrong?


