The Vampire King – The Immortal Crown Saga Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 85552 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 428(@200wpm)___ 342(@250wpm)___ 285(@300wpm)

Ty closed his eyes. “I’d finally had enough. When Xander’s mother pleaded with me to help her maid Leeta and Xander escape, I didn’t even have to think. I just did it.”

I held out my hands to the fire, warming them.

“Was that Leeta in Xander’s arms when he rushed in?” Victoria asked.

I nodded and to get her off the topic of Leeta, I asked, “Were you also a Royal Guard?”


She laughed. “I was management. I organized the mating schedules for what nights the King and a particular domina would lay together. I even determined the official day color the dominas were required to wear.”

“Why do the castles make all dominas wear one official color each day and even the same robes?” I asked.

“To keep all of you in one place,” Victoria reluctantly replied.

“Like horses?” I muttered.

“Exactly. If you all are wearing the same outfit and color, they can herd you around from one area of the Royal Court to another and keep track of you by counting every half hour,” Victoria confessed.

“I figured that.”

“Domina, you never answered my question.” Ty seized a small foot log and slung it on the fire.

The flames blazed high. More smoke floated from the burning wood and flowed up through several small vents in the ceiling.

Won’t the smoke signal that people are in the sewer?

Xander’s voice invaded my mind again and seemed uneasy, as if he were worried about something. The vents go into an intricate tunnel that leads outside of Capitol City.

Victoria waved both of her hands. “Domina. Are you still with us?”


I looked at Ty. “What was the question you wanted answered?”

“Are you still untouched, domina?” A smirk plastered on Ty’s face.

“No.” Xander’s voice echoed within the room as he shut the door.

A click sounded from the door behind him.

“Also, her name is not domina anymore. It’s Camille and she has been touched.” Xander strolled my way. “Many, many times.”

Warmth swirled within me. My lower insides clenched in response.

Xander licked his lips, no doubt knowing the memories that were in my mind—his fangs piercing my flesh, his fingers taunting my nipples, his tongue circling my thighs as I begged for him to inch down farther.

“Okay.” Victoria laughed. “Many times, huh?”

Blushing, I wiped my forehead, attempting to give myself something to do while Ty and Victoria stared at me.

“Is Leeta okay?” Victoria raised her brunette eyebrows.

“Sure. Why do you ask?” Xander extended his hand out to me and gestured for me to go with him. “Come, let me show you where the bathtub is located.”

Victoria hissed.

She shot up to her feet in a blur. Her fangs sprang out. Her warm, friendly face shifted to a terror-driven one within seconds.

Oh no.

I got next to Xander.

He gazed back at her with a bored expression. “Yes, Victoria?”

“You are hiding something, Xander.” Victoria pointed one finger at him. “What’s wrong with Leeta? I tried to be patient as you snuck her in here without us seeing her or saying hello.”

“Calm down.” Ty positioned himself between them. “I’m sure Xander and his queen will explain.”

I waved my hands. “I’m not his queen.”

“Xander’s a prince,” Ty explained. “He ingested your domina blood. Whether you both like it or not, our prince is now ripening into a king, and since you’re the domina that did it, you’re his first queen.”

“There won’t be others,” I blurted out as fury exploded at my temples.

Did I just say that?

Everyone twisted their faces to me. My heartbeat sped up. Slowly breathing in and out, I tried to calm myself. A foreign emotion coursed through my body.

Am I jealous?

I twisted my shirt in my fingers and didn’t even glance at Xander. I was sure he beamed.

“Camille is right,” Xander said. “There won’t be any other queens, just her.”

I battled with myself to not flash a deliriously happy grin.

Xander and I could not happen. I’d just escaped a vampire king. The last thing I needed to do was be with another vampire king, a sexy one or not. This was not the life I wanted. In fact, it would be better if I stayed away from vampires from now on, especially with hundreds of guards searching for me.

Xander fixed his gaze on me, surely hearing my thoughts.

Get out of my head.

I narrowed my eyes.

“What’s wrong with Leeta?” Victoria sneered. “Xander, why did you put her in our sick room? I heard you lock the door behind you.”

“Fine. Here we go.” Xander’s lips lowered into a frown as he explained how we discovered the fire in Freemont and saved Leeta. He told them about me giving her my blood, but didn’t mention her new fangs and eye color, or even that a hundred Royal Guards had set Freemont on fire while looking for me.

“Okay, so Leeta is recovering, but you ran in here with her and you locked her in the room. Why?” Ty wrapped one arm around Victoria and gently tugged her toward him.


