The Vampire King – The Immortal Crown Saga Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 85552 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 428(@200wpm)___ 342(@250wpm)___ 285(@300wpm)

Smiling, I slipped off my pants, left them on the floor, and then entered a very bright blue room.

More lit candles rested in each corner of the space, bathing the area in light.

“Oh my.” I scanned the space.

Shimmering turquoise glazed the walls. Various painted fish were on the walls from yellow to violet. They enhanced the scene and gave me the sensation that I was walking into a massive ocean.

Sparkling azure tiles shaped in ovals embossed the floor.

I turned to the best part of the room.

A blue rectangular tub sat in the heart of the room. It was beyond huge. Three muscular Xanders could have filled it.

However, tonight only one Xander lounged in the tub with his eyes closed. Bubbles enveloped his bulging muscles. Water slicked back his midnight black and sandy blond hair.

“Yes.” I began taking off my pants.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Opening his eyes, Xander lifted an indigo sponge dripping with soapy bubbles. He dragged the sponge across his biceps and neck.

I bit my lip, remembering how I’d laid thousands of kisses on the curves of his bicep just that morning.

Ambi, would it really be that bad staying with him?

“Did you come in here to watch me clean up?” He tilted his head my way, flaunting a flirtatious smile that inspired me to lick my lips.

“I’m getting in your bathtub.” I yanked my ash-coated shirt up over my head. It stunk of rotten blood and burnt wood. I couldn’t wait to tear it off. Then I peeled off my panties and bra. “I want to burn these clothes, but this is all I have.”

“Burn them. I’ll ask Victoria for a shirt and pants for you and then we’ll go buy you some things of your own to wear later. Tonight you can sleep in my shirt or nothing at all.”

“Your shirt or nude, huh? Are those my only choices?” I threw the stuff on the floor.

I faced Xander as he drank in the image of my bare skin and erect nipples.

His eyelids drooped to lazy hoods as if he were drifting off to sleep.

I tiptoed to the tub, not wanting to get too much dirt on the pretty tiles.

Climbing the steps, I tried to join him in the water, but Xander blocked my foot with his arm. “You’re not allowed in here.”

“And why not?” I suppressed a chuckle and offered him a fake pout.

“You laughed at my bedroom.”

“Your bedroom was unexpected. Remember. I watched you kill guards with no mercy. I assumed you had skulls and a corpse pattern on your blankets instead of rainbows.”

“They’re not rainbows,” he growled, although his lips curled up into a smile. “My blanket is simply a pattern of colorful lines.”

“Lines that are arched like rainbows.” I eased in the tub as his gold eyes focused on my breasts. His pupils turned from full of amusement to yearning within seconds. Warm water enveloped my body, soothing every cell and calming my nerves.

Thank you, Ambi.

I whimpered in pure unadulterated comfort.

“My space is not that different from any other male vampire’s bedroom.”

“Your bedroom resembles a little girl’s room.” I laughed and as soon as I said it, my daughters’ faces blasted into my mind—big brown eyes set above chubby little brown cheeks and surrounded by dark red curls.

I shook the images away, glad Xander was too busy ogling my body instead of reading my sad thoughts.

He would just want to hold and console me when, really, all I needed was for him to fuck me into a cloudy haze where no gloomy memories existed.

“A girl’s room?” He smirked. “You’re over exaggerating.”

“No, I’m not. Many young girls, human or vampire, would be overjoyed to have your bedroom.”

A rumble sounded from his chest. He slid the sponge over his body once again.


Water glistened on his smooth, delicious skin that coated taut muscles. His lips transformed into a wicked smile and exposed more of his sexy ivory fangs.

He seized my waist with calloused fingers, guiding me to him.

“Are you questioning my manhood, Queen?” His hands slipped from my waist up to the bottoms of my breasts. A lusty craving flooded my senses.

I arched my chest toward him and moaned.

His thumbs massaged bubbles onto my nipples. My soft points awakened, filling with blood and growing hard and alive at his touch.

“No,” I whispered. “I would never question your manhood.”

My hands dove into the warm water, searching for his stiff cock. My fingers found the hard tip. I wrapped my hands around it and relished in its thickness and length.

“However, I do question your decorating skills.” I slipped my hand up and down the stalk of his cock.

“You can change my room to what you want.” Those gold eyes blazed. Xander’s fangs caught his bottom lip and pierced them. Tiny beads of blood emerged.

“No. I don’t want to change it. I like that you love rainbows.” I soared to his lip and lapped at the blood with my tongue. It tasted so sweet.


