Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 72586 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 363(@200wpm)___ 290(@250wpm)___ 242(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 72586 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 363(@200wpm)___ 290(@250wpm)___ 242(@300wpm)
"I think... I think love isn't always perfect." The words felt strange in my mouth. "Sometimes good people come with complicated families. Sometimes the fairy tale has a few rough edges. And maybe the best relationships come from a little compromise and work. I don’t think many of them just arrive perfect right out of the package, you know?"
Mom studied my face. "You sound different."
"Different how?"
"Less... certain. You used to be so black and white about these things. A perfect wedding for the perfect couple leading to the perfect marriage."
I traced patterns in the condensation on my water glass. "Maybe I've been wondering if I was wrong about all that. I’m getting older and I still have yet to meet the perfect guy. How long do I wait before I admit I may be going about it wrong?”
"This wouldn't have anything to do with James, would it?"
Heat crept up my neck. "Mom..."
"I'm not blind, Emma. I see how you look at him. How he looks at you." She covered my hand with hers. "And I see how scared you are."
"I'm not—" I stopped at her knowing look. Why did everybody keep telling me I was scared? "Is it that obvious?"
"Only to someone who knows what it looks like." She squeezed my fingers. "I was the same way with your father. After my first marriage ended so badly, I was terrified to trust anyone again. But sometimes you have to take the leap."
"Even if you might fall?"
"Especially then." She smiled. "The best things in life usually require a little risk."
I groaned. "You sound like Maggie."
"Smart girl, that Maggie." Mom finished her drink and signaled for another. "You know what's funny? I hired James because I was worried about Lily making a mistake. But watching you two... maybe I did you both a favor instead."
"What? A mother can hope." She accepted her fresh drink with a nod to the bartender. "Although I have to ask—how will you take it if he does wreck the wedding? I hate this for you, Em. I know how hard you’re working to make this all amazing."
“If he does… he better hope he has a damn good reason. That’s all I know. And… well, I care more about Lily and her happiness than my career. So if the wedding isn’t meant to be, maybe I can forgive James for doing what needs to be done.” I dropped my head onto the bar with a thunk. "But can we please talk about literally anything else? Even thinking about this is depressing me on so many levels."
"Fine." She patted my hair. "Want to hear about the time I caught your father trying to alphabetize my spice rack while wearing nothing but an apron?"
I lifted my head. "On second thought, let's go back to discussing my love life."
Mom's laughter drew curious looks from the other patrons, but I found myself smiling too. Here I was, worrying about perfect weddings and perfect timing, when my own parents had found happiness in the messiest way possible.
Maybe Maggie was right. Maybe some things were worth the risk of falling.
I just hoped I was brave enough to take the leap.
And maybe catch myself a wedding wrecker in the process.
If he didn't wreck my sister's wedding first, that is.
Four days. We had four days to figure everything out. Some part of me thought if we didn’t reach a more stable place before the ceremony, whatever fragile thing was building between us wouldn’t survive the outcome.
“Do you mind if I crash in you and dad’s room tonight? I think I need a little distance from James to think about how I want to handle this.”
My mom’s eyes softened. “Of course, sweetie. Just… you should know your dad’s snoring has gotten worse over the years. I have some spare earplugs you can use.”
"Just one, two, three... one, two— No, Mr. Wellington, please stop trying to dip your partner during a waltz."
Dick stumbled, nearly dropping his dance partner—one of the young women who weren’t part of the immediate Wellington clan. Part of my job was looking into everything, so I knew who all of them were. Dick’s partner was named Emerson, and she was a family friend of Theo, one of the muscle brothers. I also happened to know she desperately wanted to be with Theo, but the large man was completely unaware.
Emerson had been looking toward Theo, who was dancing with her sister, Claudia. She let out a small shriek when Dick dipped her again, nearly bonking her blonde head on the dance floor.
"Don’t worry, baby," Dick said with an exaggerated wink. "You wouldn’t be the first beautiful woman to fall for me.”
Our dance instructor, Madame Beaumont, pressed her fingers to her temples. She was a tiny French woman with steel-gray hair pulled into a severe bun, and she'd spent the last hour trying to teach the wedding party proper form for the ceremony's first dance. Lily wanted a traditional group waltz, apparently, meaning we all had to get our acts together.