Theirs (Strength & Heat Trilogy #1) Read Online T.O. Smith

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Strength & Heat Trilogy Series by T.O. Smith

Total pages in book: 151
Estimated words: 139803 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 699(@200wpm)___ 559(@250wpm)___ 466(@300wpm)

I snorted. “Guarantee you when we get to this damn hospital, my point will be proven. You’re probably dehydrated, and you probably pushed your body too far, like you always fucking do. Because you just don’t know when to fucking call something quits.

She shoved away from me but quickly clutched my jersey in her hands as she squeezed her eyes shut. I tightened my arms around her, holding her tight to me. “Babe?” I asked quietly, my worry outweighing my anger.

“I don’t feel good,” she mumbled.

And then, she vomited all over Axel’s floorboard.


I stepped out onto the patio, my eyes instantly landing on Meghan. She was in the pool on a float with her eyes closed, her arms laid out over the water.

A small smile touched my lips as I ran my eyes over her. God, she was so fucking beautiful. Meeting her had been pure fucking luck.

I was a lucky son of a bitch.

I knew she was dealing with shit, and I could feel her withdrawing from me, but she had lost her fucking mind if she thought I was letting her go anywhere.

She was mine.

I slid into the pool, keeping my eyes on her. She slowly opened her eyes when she felt the ripple of the water, her beautiful, green eyes instantly latching onto me.

I didn’t miss the way she licked her lips, nor the way those beautiful eyes of hers deepened to a darker green, like the color of wet moss on a cool, summer morning.

My cock was aching for her.

I waded through the water until I was standing next to her float. I ran my eyes over her body, watching as her abs quivered under my gaze. Placing my hand on her thigh, I leaned over her, letting my lips mold with hers.

She moaned softly beneath me as she reached up and twined her fingers in my hair. It didn’t matter how hard she tried to pull away from me; I knew she would always crave me like this.

We were perfect for each other. I just needed her to learn to come to me when she couldn’t cope with shit instead of pushing me and everyone else away when she was upset.

“Talk to me,” I softly pleaded when I pulled back from her lips. As badly as I wanted her and as badly as I knew she wanted me, I wouldn’t give either of us the relief we craved when she was feeling so tormented inside.

She sighed as she sat up on her float, straddling it as she let her toned thighs dangle into the water. She glared up at the overcast sky, her body tensed. I kept my eyes trained on her, not letting her out of this no matter how much she didn’t want to talk about it.

She had better learn fast that she couldn’t push me away that easily.

“Meghan,” I called. She slowly turned her head to look at me, those green eyes clashing with mine. “Talk to me,” I ordered. “What’s going on? You haven’t been the same since my game.”

She slid off the float with an angry huff. “The doctor is ordering me to cut back on dancing,” she told me, frustration and annoyance clear in her voice. “I don’t have a choice.”

I sighed softly. Somehow, I’d had a feeling that her mood had to do with her dancing.

“Baby, it’s just temporary,” I tried to soothe her, but it only seemed to anger her further.

“I don’t give a fuck about it being temporary, Julian!” she yelled up at me, her green eyes blazing with fury. I drew in a deep breath, trying to keep a lid on my temper. “This baby is ruining my fucking life, and so are you!” she screamed. My blood chilled in my veins. I clenched my jaw and took a step back from her, my eyes flashing dangerously at her words.

She could say whatever the fuck she wanted about me, but our kid was fucking innocent in all of this shit. Our baby was off-fucking-limits.

“You really feel like that?” I asked her.

She clenched her jaw. “Yes,” she seethed. “I wish I had never fucking met you, Julian Markos, and I really fucking wish that I wasn’t pregnant. The only piece of my life that kept me sane is now fucking ripped from me.”

I nodded once. “Fine,” I gritted. “Glad you finally made that shit clear,” I told her as I left my heart at the bottom of that pool at her feet, knowing I would never love someone as much as I loved her. “Get your shit and get the fuck out of my goddamn house. I’ll see you in about eight months in a courtroom.”

I pulled myself out of the pool, not even bothering to use the stairs, and stormed inside of the house, slamming the backdoor shut behind me.


