Theirs (Strength & Heat Trilogy #1) Read Online T.O. Smith

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Strength & Heat Trilogy Series by T.O. Smith

Total pages in book: 151
Estimated words: 139803 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 699(@200wpm)___ 559(@250wpm)___ 466(@300wpm)

Julian clenched his jaw but took a step back from Vincent and moved over to us. “I’m here, baby girl,” he promised as he drew me into his arms.

I clutched at Axel’s hand. “Don’t,” I begged when he took a step in Vincent’s direction. “Just let him leave. We’ll never be the same again. I can learn to cope with that. But I can’t cope if either of you hurt him more than he already is,” I said, referring to Vincent’s swollen and bruised cheek. I wasn’t stupid. I knew Axel had punched him when he went to see him.

“Okay, sweet girl,” Axel said, giving in as he moved closer to me.

I tilted my chin up in Vincent’s direction. My heart broke in my chest, and hot tears slid down my cheeks, but I stood strong against his disapproving and judging stare. “I never want to see you again,” I told him. My voice broke as I spoke, but at that moment, I meant those words. “You’re not the person I thought you were, Vincent.”

He shook his head. “Obviously, neither are you. I guess you and Julian were always meant for each other. A fuck boy and a slut. The classic love story.”

Julian moved to release me, but I clutched at his shirt, keeping him with me. “Get out,” Julian snarled at Vincent, his voice shaking. “If you fucking come near her again, I will have my attorney file harassment and stalking charges against you.”

Vincent shook his head and stormed out of the house, slamming the front door shut behind him.

And I broke down, a loud sob ripping from my throat as I crumpled against Julian’s chest, my entire body shaking.

* * *

✶ ✶ ✶

* * *

I drew my knees up to my chest as the scalding hot water poured over my body. It was burning my skin, but I welcomed the pain. As soon as Julian had left for his therapy appointment, Axel had to go online for a virtual orientation for his master’s program, so he was in his room.

I took the opportunity to burst into tears alone.

A broken sob left my lips as I thought about how close Vincent and I used to be. Ever since he had found me being raped during that party my freshman year, he had taken me under his wing and somewhat brought me out of my shell. He had guided me, helped me become a better dancer, and he encouraged me every step of the way through my college career.

And now, I was a disgusting slut in his eyes.

“Meghan—fuck,” Axel snapped as he walked into the bathroom. I didn’t look up at him as my shoulders shook with my sobs. “Sweet girl—Christ, you’re going to melt your fucking skin,” he scolded as he reached forward and turned the temperature down.

He quickly stepped into the shower in his clothes and gently drew me up from the floor. “Sweet girl, why the hell didn’t you come to me?” he asked as he drew my naked body into his arms. “You don’t have to do this to yourself. I’m here.”

“It hurts,” I cried. “I want to fucking hate him for doing this to me. Why can’t I hate him?” I wanted to scream.

“You’re not that kind of woman, Meghan. You never have been,” Axel reminded me.

I looked up at him, loving how he always looked at me with so much understanding in his brown eyes. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned up on my tiptoes to kiss him. A low rumble sounded in his throat as he tangled his fingers in my dark, wet hair and angled my head, deepening the kiss.

“Make me forget, Axel,” I begged him.

A low rumble sounded from his chest right before he yanked his soaked shirt over his head and let his jeans and boxers drop to the floor. He easily stepped out of them and dragged my body back to his, his lips taking mine in a savage kiss. I moaned, rubbing my body against his, loving how every hard plain of his body felt against my softer one.

“I won’t be gentle, sweet girl,” he warned me as he pulled back and ran the pad of his thumb over my swollen, bottom lip.

“I don’t need gentle right now,” I told him, a blush tinting my cheeks.

He gripped my thighs in his hands and lifted me up, roughly shoving my back against the wall of the shower. I gasped at the coolness, but a breathless moan left my lips when Axel’s body pressed into mine. The mix of hot and cold was fucking exhilarating, making my blood pump hotter in my veins.

He easily lifted me and slid inside raw. “Fuck, yes,” I gasped out as he began to fuck me hard and fast. My back roughly pressed into the wall with each thrust, but I was so lost in the feeling of him inside of me that I didn’t care that my back was going to be sore afterward.


