Theirs (Strength & Heat Trilogy #1) Read Online T.O. Smith

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Strength & Heat Trilogy Series by T.O. Smith

Total pages in book: 151
Estimated words: 139803 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 699(@200wpm)___ 559(@250wpm)___ 466(@300wpm)

She swiped at her cheeks. “And if he goes all the way to Massachusetts with us, how is he expected to be there for her while she’s here?” Meghan retorted.

“Fly,” Axel told her with a shrug. “I’ll fly to come see her. You’ll still have to fly out once a month to see Dr. Gresham, remember?” he asked her. “I’ll visit my sister, then. Besides, Dr. Gresham probably won’t allow Alli visitors for a while until he gets her stabilized and used to relying on herself instead of others.”

She stayed silent, her eyes focused on her lap. She refused to look at either of us. “Now, baby girl, what else is on your mind?’” I stood next to Axel with my arms crossed over my tatted chest.

She began picking at a loose thread. “I got jealous when you were holding Alli’s hand,” she whispered, seeming ashamed.

My eyes met Axel’s. This was the root of our problem.

“Meghan, baby, it’s okay to be jealous,” I told her gently.

She shook her head. “How?” she asked, not looking up from the covers on the bed. “I was standing there leaning on Axel all while being jealous of you holding her hand. How is that okay? How is that normal?” She finally brought her confused, green eyes up to mine.

“The same way I can look at you and Axel together and be turned the fuck on knowing that he’s pleasing you. The same way that I can look at you and Axel together and be happy that he’s taking care of you.” I narrowed my eyes at her. “But if another man touches you, Meghan, or fuck, even another woman, I’ll lose my shit,” I warned her. “You are ours, just as we are yours.”

“How is this fair to Axel?” I wish she’d stop fucking fighting this so hard. She reached up to rub the heel of her hand against the center of her chest. “I’m pregnant with your baby. I share your bed. What the fuck does Axel get out of this?”

“I get you,” Axel answered her. “That’s all I want, Meghan. I just want you, sweet girl. Anything else that comes with you is just an added bonus.”

“This isn’t fair for you.” She slammed her hands on her thighs, looking overwhelmed. It fucking tore at my soul.

He sighed. “Sweet girl, what do you want?” he asked her.

Her bottom lip trembled. “It’s not that easy.”

“It is that easy,” I interrupted. “We’re here for you, baby girl,” I reminded her. “What do you want?”

“I want you both.” But the way she said it, it was like she was ashamed of her answer. But she had no fucking right to be. So what if what we were doing was frowned upon? I didn’t give a shit, and neither did Axel. We loved her. For us, it was as simple as that.

I looked over at Axel. Silently, he moved around to the side of the bed she normally slept on and laid down. He opened his arms to her, silently inviting her to lay with him. Her eyes flickered to me, filled with nerves and uncertainty.

“Woman,” I playfully snapped. A blush tinted her cheeks. “If you don’t get up there and cuddle with your man, I’ll bend you over my knee and spank you,” I warned. I’d never lay a hand on her in that manner, but she didn’t need to know that.

She squeaked in alarm, her cheeks darkening to a deep red. I flashed her a grin. A small smile tilted her lips before she slowly moved up the bed and snuggled against Axel. I turned off the light and walked back to the bed, sliding in behind her. “First change is this,” I told her. “Each night, you get both of us. If this will soothe that overworked brain of yours,” I teased, “then we’ll include Axel in our cuddle fests.”

She reached back and slapped my side. I released a husky laugh and wrapped my arms around her. I pressed a kiss to her shoulder. “Get some rest, baby girl. You’ve had a long day.”

Axel moved a little closer to her, and in the process, I felt his dick hit my hand. I released a low growl. “Keep your happy dick to yourself, Axel,” I warned.

Meghan giggled. I grinned at the sound. Axel released a soft laugh. “Keep your hand off my dick, Julian, and we wouldn’t have issues.”

Meghan laughed again. “How about keep your hands to yourselves and off of my dicks?” Meghan asked. She whined a moment later when Axel and I silently laughed. “Oh, God, did I really just say that?”

Axel barked out a laugh, unable to keep it quiet after she said that. “It’s alright, sweet girl. Every part of me belongs to you. It’s all yours,” he reminded her before he leaned down to kiss her.


