Untamed Delights Read online Suzanne Wright (The Phoenix Pack #8)

Categories Genre: Action, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Phoenix Pack Series by Suzanne Wright

Total pages in book: 137
Estimated words: 129756 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 649(@200wpm)___ 519(@250wpm)___ 433(@300wpm)

Some part of Joel had needed to know that his predestined mate would be cared for. Dominic understood. Still . . . “I expected jealousy.”

“He’s devoted to Adele. Anything he feels for me is purely platonic. I know it might seem strange that someone could feel nothing romantic for their true mate, but—to put it simply—the love he feels for Adele and the commitment he’s made to her pretty much render the bond we might have had invalid.” And Mila could finally say that without feeling a hint of hurt over it. Her cat hadn’t even hissed at Joel, she suddenly realized.

Dominic gave a slow nod. “I get it.” He couldn’t imagine that anyone—not even his predestined mate—could ever lessen what he felt for Mila. It was too strong. Too deep. As such, there was no reason why it would be any different for Joel. “But I’m going to be a pain in your ass over this.”

“Over what?”

“I can accept that he has no romantic interest in you. But I’m never going to like the little bastard being around you. I’m never going to be okay with you and him hanging out alone or shit like that.”

“I wouldn’t expect you to.” In his shoes, Mila would feel exactly the same way.

“I don’t just mean I won’t like it, I mean I won’t allow it. My wolf would never stand for it either.”

Mila and her cat shot him a narrow-eyed look. “Using the word ‘allow’ was a misstep, GQ. Don’t do it again.” Reaching the ground floor, she added, “In regard to Joel, I don’t intend to spend time with him alone, so just chill.”

Dominic opened the front door of the building and gave the area a once-over. Satisfied that no one was lingering around, he pulled Mila toward his SUV. “Just making sure we’re on the same page.”

She tilted her head. “You don’t worry I pine for him, do you?”

He cast her an incredulous look. “Who would ever pine for someone else when they had me?”

“Right,” she said, stifling a smile. “Silly question.”

“It was. I mean, come on, cocks like mine don’t grow on trees, you know.”

Sighing, she shook her head. “You are so disturbed.”

“I resent that.”

Glancing up at the sky, she frowned at the frothy gray clouds. “I hope your pack isn’t holding a gathering outdoors this time. It’s gonna rain for sure.”

“I’m not a meteorologist,” he began with an impish grin, sliding into the SUV, “but I’d say you can expect a good few inches tonight.”

She groaned, clicking on her seat belt. “I should have seen that coming.”

“Speaking of coming—”

“Drive, GQ. Just drive.”

Laughing, he reversed out of the space. He kept one hand splayed possessively on her thigh throughout most of the drive to his territory. After parking in the concealed lot at the base of the mountain, he led her up the stairs of the cliff face. Fine drops of rain began to fall from the sky, but they managed to make it inside the caves before the light drizzle picked up.

Holding Mila’s hand, he tugged her through the tunnels. He found most of the pack in the living area, lounging around talking and watching TV.

Taryn beamed at them. “Hey there, you two. Hope you’re hungry, because Grace is cooking up a storm in the kitchen.” She crossed to them. “We were going to have a barbecue, but the weather . . . Oh my God.”

Trey sidled up to his mate. “What? What is it?” He glanced at Mila and Dominic, his nostrils flaring. “Oh.”

Taryn did a little clap. “This is so great!”

“What?” asked Jaime.

“They’re imprinting!” the Alpha female practically squealed. She held out her hand. “Now pay up, losers.”

Some groaned as they handed cash to the members who were flashing triumphant smirks.

Mila slanted her head. “You really bet on how long it would take for me and Dominic to begin imprinting on each other?”

Counting the bills in his hand, Marcus shrugged. “Me and a few of the others said it would happen by the end of this week.”

“I won’t say congratulations, because you’re not fully imprinted yet, and I don’t want to jinx it,” said Makenna. Ignoring Ryan’s mutterings about jinxes and logic, she went on, “But I’m completely confident that the bond will form soon.”

Hand on her heart, her eyes glistening, Greta crossed to them. “I’m so happy for you both.” She caught Dominic’s face with her hands. “You’ve done me proud, boy. Very proud. It’s about time one of you brought home a female that was worthy,” she added, giving the other males the side-eye.

Roni frowned. “I thought you liked me.”

“I do, but you were already coming here when Marcus snapped you up,” said Greta. “But Dominic . . . he went out there and found himself a worthy female. I couldn’t be happier. Wait till I tell Grace.” She left the room, smiling in delight.


