Untamed Delights Read online Suzanne Wright (The Phoenix Pack #8)

Categories Genre: Action, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Phoenix Pack Series by Suzanne Wright

Total pages in book: 137
Estimated words: 129756 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 649(@200wpm)___ 519(@250wpm)___ 433(@300wpm)

As the rain had eased off, he and Mila went to his room after dinner, changed into their animal forms, and then padded out of the caves and into the woods. The soil was damp, the grass was slick with rain, and droplets of water kept dripping from the branches above their heads. Neither the wolf nor the cat cared.

They ran. Played. Relaxed. Enjoyed the clean, fresh scent of the rain.

Back in his room, they shifted.

Dominic was about to topple her onto the bed and ravish her when he got a text message from Trey, summoning him to the Alpha’s office. Cursing silently, Dominic pulled on his clothes. “Trey wants to talk to me about something. It won’t take long, I’ll be back soon.” Dominic bent and kissed her, then turned to head out. “Don’t get dressed,” he added before closing the door behind him.

Not a fan of sitting around naked, Mila dug out one of his shirts and slipped it on. Bored, she walked around the room, browsing the shelves and—

Her phone rang. Fishing it out of her purse, she frowned at the screen. Private Number. Tapping the “Answer Call” icon, she greeted, “Hello.”

“Hey, Mila, it’s Charlene.”

Mila silently sighed in annoyance while her cat let out a put-out hiss. She hadn’t heard or seen anything of the fox since the night that Dominic marked Mila at the club in front of God and everyone. Charlene had hidden it well, but she’d been a very unhappy bunny.

Dominic had stopped taking the woman’s calls, pissed at her persistent interference. Mila had to admit that it was something of a relief—she didn’t particularly like the thought of him being friends with a female from his past, but she’d have dealt with it if said female was a good friend who was at least a little supportive of his relationship with Mila.

It was tempting to end the call, but her catlike curiosity got the better of her. “Charlene. Hey.”

“Are you okay, honey?”

Mila blinked at her gentle tone. “Yeah, fine.”

“I saw pictures on the internet this morning of Dominic carrying you down the street. You were so pale, and it looked like he had blood on his hands. There was a brief mention of him being part of a group of people who chased after a shifter. What happened? I tried calling Dominic to ask him about it, but the call went to voice mail. Is he there with you?”

So, wait, the fox had called in the hope of speaking to him through Mila? Was the bitch fucking high? Biting back the urge to order Charlene to cease trying to contact him—which would let Charlene know exactly how much this pissed Mila off—she replied, “Not at this moment.”

“Oh.” There was an awkward pause. “I, um, I wanted to apologize for the things I said. For warning you that Dominic wouldn’t give you a happily-ever-after. It appears that I was wrong. I shouldn’t have made assumptions. Shouldn’t have interfered.” She sounded genuinely miserable about it, but Mila wasn’t convinced.

It was on the tip of Mila’s tongue to ask why Charlene thought she should care either way. “Apology accepted.” Ha, such a lie.

Charlene sighed in what seemed to be relief. “Thanks. I hope he’ll stop being pissed at me. I don’t want to lose him as a friend. We were always close, and we’ve seen each other through difficult times.”

Well, that wasn’t the impression that Mila had gotten from Dominic.

“I know I must have seemed like a bitch, but I just didn’t think his interest in you would last. You’re not his usual type, and he gets bored pretty quickly. It was a damn good idea to play hard to get so that he’d see you as refreshing. Go you!”

An angry flush stained Mila’s cheeks. Her cat whipped her tail, baring a fang. “You’re implying he’s only with me because I played him?”

“No, I just mean it was a good approach to have taken. Most girls just throw themselves at him. I’m sorry to say that probably won’t change, even though he’s marked you. It’ll just make them think he’s finally ready to settle down, and they’ll view you as competition—”

“I can handle it,” Mila bit out.

“Handle what?” asked a voice behind her.

Whirling around, Mila saw Dominic staring at her, his shoulders tense.

He prowled toward her. “Who is it?”


Beyond fucking annoyed that a female from his past had called his mate—especially one who seemed intent on coming between them—Dominic said, “Well, hurry up and finish the call. I have a pussy to eat. In fact . . .” He picked Mila up, tossed her on the bed, and spread her legs.

Mila swallowed as Dominic nuzzled her folds. “Um, Charlene, I have to go.”

“Wait, I was hoping to talk to Dominic.”

Biting back a moan as he licked at her slit, Mila said, “She wants to talk to you, GQ.”


