Wizard (Hounds of Hellfire MC #3) Read Online Fiona Davenport

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Insta-Love, MC, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Hounds of Hellfire MC Series by Fiona Davenport

Total pages in book: 34
Estimated words: 31905 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 160(@200wpm)___ 128(@250wpm)___ 106(@300wpm)

“I thought maybe…um”—her eyes darted to the box sitting beside me on the coffee table—“I guess I was hoping you, um, had more to say?”

Laughing, I leaned in and gave her a quick kiss. “Patience, baby.”

Her face screwed up in annoyance, making me chuckle again. “Tell me what I want to hear, and I’ll give you your presents.”

“Presents?” she repeated, perking right up. I’d quickly learned that even though Thea didn’t like to be snuck up on, she loved surprises. And presents.

“Tell me, baby,” I insisted, making my tone extra gritty because I knew it turned her on.

“I love you,” she said with a sweet smile and a dreamy sigh.

“Good girl.” I released her chin, but not before taking another fast kiss.

She put out her hands and made a “gimmie” motion with her fingers.

“So greedy,” I teased as I picked up the box and set it on her lap.

Thea’s legs bounced with delight as she took off the lid. She stared at the contents, then tears well up in her eyes. It would have freaked me out if she hadn’t also had a giant smile. “You want me to be your old lady?” she asked as she picked up the leather vest and admired the patch on the back.

“Fuck, yes,” I grunted. “I want everyone who looks at you to know you belong to me.”

Taking the vest from her, I stood and held it out so she could slip it on. Her fingers danced over her name, embroidered over her right breast.

“I love it,” she whispered as her watery eyes met mine. “Thank you.”

“One more thing,” I mumbled before strolling to the closet and reaching up to a shelf I knew was too high for her to access. “I want you to be mine in every way, Thea. The more ways people can see that you’re taken, the better.”

With the small velvet box clutched in my fist, I returned to sit in front of her.

“Got my vest on you, gonna put a baby in your sexy belly, and”—I opened the box to show her a sparking engagement ring—“you’re gonna have my ring on your finger.”

Thea giggled. “Is this your way of asking me to marry you, Baylor Chadwick?”

“No,” I stated emphatically. When her eyes filled with confusion, I quickly cleared up the misunderstanding. “This is me telling you, we are getting married.” I yanked her left hand forward and tenderly slid the diamond ring onto her fourth finger.

“Since you asked so nicely…” she teased.

I grabbed her hips and lifted her onto my lap, straddling me. “If you need a little convincing, I have plenty of ideas.”

“I don’t need convincing to marry you,” she breathed, a shudder wracking her body when I palmed her ass and dragged her close so our chests and groins were stuck together.

“I meant convincing you to get married as fast as possible.”

“Depends on your definition of fast,” she told me suspiciously.

Grinning, I pushed to my feet and moved toward the bed. “We can agree on that after I’ve given you several orgasms.”

Thea sighed. “Not fair. You’re cheating using your caveman tactics and giant dick to make me agree to whatever you want.”

“Would I do that?” I asked innocently, before tossing her on the bed.

“Yes,” she panted a few hours later, her lips pursed in’s sexy pout.

“I guess you’re right,” I acquiesced. “But I’m holding you to it, baby. You’ve got four weeks to plan a wedding.” Grinning, I winked at her. “Besides, we wait much longer and you might not fit in your dress.”

Thea gasped, and her hands immediately went to her stomach. “I didn’t think of that!”

She jackknifed up in bed and quickly scooted away.

“Where the fuck do you think you’re going, baby?” I growled.

“I have so much to do!” she cried as she put her feet on the floor. Before she could stand, I curled my arm and around her waist and hauled her back onto the bed, then rolled her onto her back and covered her body with mine.

“Tomorrow,” I stated before lowering my head to place a trail of kisses along her jaw.


Four orgasms later, I’d convinced her to start planning our wedding tomorrow.



Baylor turned into a bit of a helicopter fiancé after everything that went down with Mark. I didn’t blame him, though. Those five minutes had been the scariest of my life. And I loved how he wasn’t afraid to show me just how much I meant to him in every way.

I rethought that a few minutes later when I got lightheaded on our way to the kitchen for breakfast, though. We’d been splitting our time between my rental house and his room here while we looked for a place big enough for us both.

As my vision darkened and I saw spots behind my eyelids, I wished this was one of the mornings when we were at my house instead. It would be a heck of a lot less embarrassing to faint in the privacy of my own home without any of his club brothers around.


