Beast Mode Jake Read online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Billionaire, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 49
Estimated words: 45328 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 227(@200wpm)___ 181(@250wpm)___ 151(@300wpm)

I’d been raised to respect women and it’s for that reason that I hadn’t fucked her shit up in the divorce. Or told her to go to hell this time when she called.

I could’ve dragged the divorce out and my attorney was good enough I knew he could’ve got that shit down to a few thousand grand.

But I didn’t want that. Coming on to the end I just wanted her out of my life. I was sick of her, sick of the whole thing.

Now she’s back and I think I know where she’s going with this new game of hers, and I am so not going there with her.

Sure I want kids, a family, someone to grow old with. But it’s not going to be her. I will never trust her with my heart again.

When the time is right I’ll find me a nice woman to settle down with. Fuck, even thinking that shit makes me feel off.

Too damn bad. I’m going to have to do it sooner or later if I truly want to get on with my life. I should’ve been looking long before now.

Maybe when I get back home. Or who says she has to be local? Maybe I should settle on one of those career types I’d shunned last time around.

I’d probably stand a better chance of finding one who had the good sense to know a good thing when she sees it among that bunch.

Oh for fuck sake, how is this not thinking about her? I could’ve stayed at home and done this shit. I shook it off and read over the proposal I’d been working on for the third time.

Business wasn’t what it used to be. Now I have to spice things up just to keep it interesting. I’d become more cutthroat in my dealings since the divorce and some people had noticed and were complaining that I wasn’t playing nice.

Well, nice hadn’t got me very far. As long as I didn’t defraud or betray anyone, my tactics were fine by me.

It could be argued that I’d been a bit too lenient in the past, and had lost good money a time or two on the backs of sentiment.

The truth is I’d done a hell of a lot better since I changed than I used to and I hadn’t had to sell my soul to do it.

This new merger will make me even richer than I already am even if it wasn’t doing the job I’d expected it to do.

When I went walking in the city after dinner that evening, I found myself window shopping for her the way I used to.

Only this time I had no intention of calling up the store the next day and ordering whatever it was that I’d like to be sent to her.

I accepted that maybe it was going to take a little more time to get her out of my system and left it at that and finally got some peace.

Once I gave up fighting my own mind things became easier. I was back to being the stalwart businessman I’d always been and my life was my own once again.

I did miss her daily phone calls, seeing her number show up on the screen of my phone. The way my heart would speed up just before lunchtime. And that you jackass, is the reason you’re here.


By week’s end I was proud of myself for being able to forget her at least part of each day. It was only in bed, at night, alone, that I miss her crazy ass.

I got back to our city late in the evening a week later and the first thing I did after picking up my dog was to check my messages on the answering machine.

She’d filled it. I only listened to each message long enough to be sure that she wasn’t sick or in danger before erasing all of them. I’ll call her tomorrow.

The next day was Saturday and I was planning to just lay around the house and relax. I’d had a long week of meetings and all I wanted to do was unwind.

When Dana called around noon and said I’d missed some calls that might be important I told her to hold off until Monday, but she had a good point. Come Monday there’d be more shit to deal with.

“Fine, why don’t you meet me at the club around two.” I suddenly had a hankering for their eggs benedict anyway.

I didn’t think anything of asking my secretary to meet me for brunch. I’ve had lunch with the one before her hundreds of times.

Of course Connie was in her sixties, but I didn’t see this new one any differently even though she was more than half her age.

I took a quick shower, made sure the mutt was okay and headed out the door. Maybe I’d get a few holes in while I’m there.


