Broken: A Dark Romance Read online Books Willow Winters

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, BDSM, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: ,

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 66454 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 332(@200wpm)___ 266(@250wpm)___ 222(@300wpm)

In a quick movement, the paddle slaps against her ass again. Smack! My body jumps as Sara lets out a wail. Again and again he swings the paddle. Her face is scrunched up and she tries to muffle her noises as he spanks her over and over.

My eyes refuse to close, and I struggle to breathe. My fists clench. She knew this would happen, I repeat to myself over and over. It’s okay. She knew.

And then something changes. Her back arches, and she seems to greet the paddle invitingly, rather than struggling to stay in position. Her face relaxes, and she screams out a sound of pure pleasure.


“Yes!” she screams, and I stand in shock.

Kade’s arm wraps around my waist and he pulls me close to him so my back is pressed against his chest. I feel his hard erection digging into me at my back. My eyes close, and I swallow thickly as my nipples harden and arousal pools between my legs.

Intellectually, I’m confused with a range of emotions. But my body isn’t. And it’s betraying me.

Kade whispers in my ear, “That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

The man gentles his hand on her ass, right on the bright red mark, and she winces. He shushes her and sets the paddle down on the bench again. He strokes his cock as he examines her ass. A moment passes in silence.

“Present down, correctly this time!” her Master says.

Kade’s hand slowly travels to my hip, pausing for a brief moment and then continues moving lower.

“Answer me, angel,” Kade says in a smooth voice.

Other spectators gather around as the woman moves to her knees. She spreads them wider than the last time and lowers her upper body flat against the floor, her arms straight out and her palms up.

“No, Master K.” The words fall from my lips as the man in the room settles on his knees behind the woman and lines his dick up at her opening. She rocks her pussy against him and moans before he’s even touched her. He shoves himself inside of her and her head lifts with her mouth shaped in a perfect O. He thrusts behind her with an arm bracing her body. His other hand wraps around her throat, and he lowers his chest to her back.

“Good girl,” he says as his pace picks up. His other hand rubs her throbbing clit. He kisses her neck and nips her ear. “So fucking good,” he breathes into her ear as he fucks her with a relentless pace.

Kade’s own fingers travel to my heat. “Oh, angel,” Kade groans as his fingers spread the moisture up to my clit. He kisses the tender spot behind my ear as the man grips the woman’s hips and lifts her body off the floor to push deeper into her with each hard thrust.

I close my eyes as Kade’s fingers dip into my soaking wet pussy.

Kade nips my ear and hisses an admonishment. “Open your eyes.”

As the man fucks the woman bowed before him, Kade finger fucks me. Each thrust is perfectly in time with the scene before us.

“Yes!” the woman screams out, then bites her lip to quiet her moans of pleasure as her body rocks with each powerful movement from the man behind her. His hand grips her hip and smacks her ass as he mercilessly fucks her.

My own body leans forward as my body heats and my legs tremble. My pussy clenches around Kade's fingers, and I struggle to contain my silent scream. Arousal leaks down my leg as my pussy spasms around his fingers with my own orgasm.

I look up, barely able to catch my breath and find the woman panting on the floor.

The man stands with their combined cum on his cock. He grabs a blanket from a nearby shelf and covers her before lifting her into his arms and kissing her on the lips. Kade turns me in his arms and starts leading me away.

My legs hardly function and I try to lean against him as my eyes threaten to close.

“Not yet, angel,” Kade says and kisses my hair. “You need to walk back to the room on your own. I can’t carry you yet.”


I stare at the chains on the floor next to a large floor pillow. It's time to sleep. And apparently, I'll be sleeping on the floor.

“Do I need to use the restraints?” Kade asks. I feel numb looking at the chains bolted to the floor. They're such a contrast. The room is spacious and luxurious, yet it’s designed to be a prison. “If you killed me, you’d have to go out there with them.”

My eyes slowly find Kade’s as I say, “I don’t want to kill you.” Kill him? I'm so confused by everything. I don't know what to think anymore. My heart sinks in my chest.


