Broken: A Dark Romance Read online Books Willow Winters

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, BDSM, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: ,

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 66454 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 332(@200wpm)___ 266(@250wpm)___ 222(@300wpm)

“Until you submit to me, I think it’s best you sleep here.” Kade gestures to the large pillow on the floor. It's long enough that my body will fit however I want to lay, but it’s not a bed. I part my lips to ask him what it means to submit to him so I can sleep on a real bed, but then I slam them shut. I know what it means, and that’s not happening. My anger is short-lived as I stare at the bed.

My heart slowly falls and I nod my head and slowly lower my body to the floor.

“Tomorrow, I’ll get you ready before training.” My shoulders hunch forward. Every step back to the room was a step back to reality and away from the fantasy I’d conjured in my head. I breathe out deeply, trying to maintain my composure.

“Yes, Master K.” I keep my eyes on the floor pillow, my fucking bed until I’m able to get the fuck out of here.

“You can call me Kade here, Olivia.” His voice is soft, and I hear him just fine, but I can’t give him a verbal response. So instead I just nod my head.

“Go to sleep, angel.”

With a loud click, Kade locks the doors and turns off the lights. A faint stream filters through the room from under the door. It gives me just enough light that I can see him lift his shirt over his head and drop his pants to the floor.

The bed groans as he climbs in and gets under the sheets.

It’s better this way. I can sleep here, and I can do as I’m told until I can figure out some sort of escape.

I take in a deep breath and try to calm myself. This is temporary. I can fine a way out of this. I tell myself over and over, but I know it’s false. My chest aches, and my throat closes. I know it’s not true. I just don't want to admit it to myself.

I hear the faint music and soft laughter. Occasionally there are footsteps. Some are close to the door. I lie on the pillow facing the door, but I can’t breathe.

I try to sleep for maybe hours, I don't know. But every time I hear the steps come close to our door I jump, and the fear keeps me wide awake.

“Angel.” My body tenses as Kade's voice pierces through the night.

“Y-Yes, Master--” I try to speak. I can’t begin to know why I’m so emotional. Why now of all times, I’m struggling.

He climbs off the bed and comes for me. My initial thought is to push him away, or to run from him. To hit him.

But I do nothing. Instead I let him lift me into his arms and carry me into the large bed.

He covers both of us with the blankets and pulls my naked body toward him. “Hush, angel.”

I close my eyes, waiting for him to use me however he wants. I can’t fight anymore. Not here. I feel helpless. Like the illusion of freedom has been ripped away from me.

“It’s alright.” He kisses my shoulder and settles in behind me, splaying his hand on my belly. “Go to sleep now. You’re safe.”

My body relaxes slightly, but I don’t believe him. I wait with my eyes open. But the only movement he makes is to gently stroke my hair with his other hand.

My eyes feel heavy, and the part of me that’s stopped fighting takes over.

I lean against Kade and fall into a deep sleep.

Dreaming of cages and whips, chains and collars. The images flash before my eyes. I feel his hands on me and I enjoy every second. I hear the sounds of the whips and I arch my back, welcoming the exotic feel.

I wake with my heart pounding and my pussy clenching in the middle of the night. It’s dark, with only faint bits of light from the moon filtering in through the curtain. I search the room, but there’s nothing. Only Kade behind me, holding me close to him.

For a second I think I should run. I should leave him.

But then I hear footsteps in the hall. Heavy ones.

I settle back into Kade’s embrace.

Bringing me here was deceitful. He’s forced me to look at him as a savior rather than my captor. I can’t forget who he really is. No matter how much I’m starting to crave his touch and this darkness he’s introduced me to.


I wake up to the bright light and instantly bolt upright. I pull the covers around my naked body and slowly take in the room. I’m flooded with the memory of the night before, and my heart races frantically. A shiver runs through my body as I realize it’s all true. It wasn’t a nightmare or a depraved fantasy.


