Broken: A Dark Romance Read online Books Willow Winters

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, BDSM, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: ,

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 66454 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 332(@200wpm)___ 266(@250wpm)___ 222(@300wpm)

This is real.

The door cracks open and I turn sharply, watching Kade enter with a plate balanced on his hand. He closes the door behind him and keeps his eyes on me as he walks to the bed. I slowly scoot away until my back is pressed to the headboard, and I pull the blanket tighter around myself.

“Whenever I come in, you will greet me appropriately,” he says with his icy blue eyes staring straight into mine. The comforting touch of last night is gone, and in its place is absolute authority.

A lump grows in my throat and I try to respond, but my voice croaks. I bow my head slightly and ball the blanket in my hands. I cower, like a pathetic little bitch.

“It’s alright, angel. I haven’t taught you yet.” He’s calm in his response and he climbs on the bed. He sits next to me and gently pulls the blanket away as though that’s just fine. It is to him.

He owns me.

“You need to bow and keep your eyes lowered to the floor until I address you.” He splays his hand across my back and pushes me forward. I let him move my body into a bow. I know the position from last night’s lesson.

“And don’t ever hide your body from me.” I close my eyes and stay still as the bed dips and he moves away.

“That’s better.”

I slowly open my eyes as his hand cups my chin. He tilts my head up and runs his thumb along my lower lip. “You’re doing so well, Olivia. You have no idea.”

Again his approval makes my tense body ease with slight comfort.

“I’ve seen a lot of training, and you would make an excellent example for all of them.”

My heart sinks and I pull away from his hand, hating that he’s touching me at all. How many women is a lot? Anxiety, fear, and disgust all overwhelm me in a minute.

“Angel,” he says with a threatening tone. My body stills and my heart slows. “You cannot move away from me. Do you understand?”

I nod my head once and let out a small, “Yes.” I can feel his eyes on me, but I don’t look up at him. I can’t.

“What’s bothering you?” he asks after a moment. My blood heats, and I bite my tongue. Is he fucking serious?

“When I ask you a question, you will answer it.” Kade’s voice is hard and I want to snap at him in return. But I clench my teeth and finally look up and respond by asking, “What happened to the others you trained?”

“Once they’re trained, they’re given to their owners.” There’s no remorse in his voice. He must sense my disgust though because he adds, “I know the ones I’ve trained have enjoyed their positions, angel. It’s not all the horrors you’ve conjured in your head.”

“Will you sell me?” I ask before I lose my nerve. I have to know.

“No,” he’s quick to respond, and I stare back at him with apprehension. He’s lying to me.

“You’re mine, and only mine.” Something about the conviction in his voice eases a pain deep inside of me. I feel my defenses fall, and my armor seems to chip.

But I don’t want to be owned. Not by him; not by anyone.

Kade pulls me closer to him. His hands grip my hips as he settles me in his lap. I’m tense and completely naked, yet he’s fully clothed.

“I’ll make you a deal, angel.” Kade reaches to the plate sitting on the end of the bed and grabs a small slice of strawberry before he commands, “Open your mouth.” I stare at his fingers for a moment, but then I obey.

I’ll save my fight for when I truly need it. Right now I’ll bide my time and play along with this shit.

I part my lips and let his thick fingers slip the small bit of fruit into my mouth. I close my eyes and practically moan at the sweet taste. It’s only then that I realize how hungry I am. I haven’t eaten in over a day.

“You do as I say,” Kade instructs and reaches for another piece while I eagerly wait for him to bring it to my lips. “You show them that I can create the perfect slave, and I’ll give you your freedom.” He pushes the fruit into my mouth, but I can’t chew. My body feels frozen.

He’ll give me my freedom. Lies! He must be lying to me.

“Until then, I’ll give you everything you need. I’ll keep you safe, and you’ll obey me.” I have to work hard to keep my hands from fisting. I’m not going to willingly roll over and let him fuck me. But he hasn’t tried yet. He could have, but he hasn’t.

“How does that sound, angel?” he asks as I finally chew and swallow the small piece.


