It’s Complicated – A Reservations Story Read Online Kindle Alexander

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Drama, Erotic, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 134
Estimated words: 123877 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 619(@200wpm)___ 496(@250wpm)___ 413(@300wpm)

When Chase didn’t take the hint from the hard stare, Julian gave the guy an exaggerated eye roll and tossed out a thumbs up when Chase didn’t immediately leave.

“Okay…” Chase said. “So that means you’re good?”

Oh my God, what the hell was with this guy? Julian made a mental note to never use Chase as a wingman.

“Yes, we’re good,” he answered, tilting his head to the side to get the waiter moving. Finally, Chase tipped his chin up in acknowledgment. He took off, letting the door’s kickstand flip up and the door swing shut with a hard thump.

“What was that about?” Beckett asked, staring at the closed door before shifting his gaze to Julian.

“It’s time to get ready for work.” The lie slipped free on a sigh. He hopped off the table and ran his fingers through his hair, looking down the front of his clothing. He’d chosen something loose and comfortable to wear.

Satisfied that all probable problem areas were well covered, he turned toward Beckett who stayed planted on the table.

“I didn’t think about you needing a place to get ready for work. I’ve got a room upstairs…”

Julian burst out with a harsh laugh, interrupting Beckett again. Yeah right, like he’d ever go to Beckett’s hotel room. That would create all sorts of new emotional issues for Julian.

“Going to your room is not going to happen, but how about we do this tomorrow at my place? My condo has a large workout room that’s empty every time I pass by,” he suggested, hoping for a little more privacy—at least from the people in Julian’s life who mattered. He gathered his backpack and garment bag with his clothing for tonight’s shift. Beckett may not have thought about his need to dress for work, but Julian had. He’d made plans to change in Escape’s men’s locker room but decided the employee bathroom at the club might be a better choice. At least it offered more distance away from Beckett.

“Sure. Text me the address. Let’s do it at about this same time,” Beckett said, hopping off the table in a fluid, agile motion. So smooth, much like everything the guy did. He reached for Julian’s water bottle and cell phone, meeting him with both. “But you can use my suite to dress. I’ll stay down here. I won’t interfere. I promise.”

Julian rolled his eyes again while tucking his phone in the front pocket of his sling style backpack. “Do you truly believe your privacy is respected around here? Especially with that big guy on full display.” He pointed to the hard-on in Beckett’s shorts, then took his water bottle from Beckett’s hand when the man looked down. “I come out of your room, and I promise, the gossip mill that is my life will go into full blown—”

“I’m sorry. I can’t help it when I’m around you. I try to ignore it,” Beckett chimed in before he could finish. “Does it bother you? Is that why you called it off early today?” Embarrassment and sincerity rang in his voice as Beckett tried to cover the impressive bulge in his shorts.

The look on Beckett’s face made Julian instantly wish he hadn’t said anything. He didn’t like that he’d caused this man, who went out of his way to help him, such worry.

In a rare move of honesty, which Julian seemed to do a lot of with Beckett, he slung the backpack over his shoulder then lifted his oversized T-shirt. Julian had prepared for his attraction by trapping his cock inside a pair of binding underwear, but his baggy sweats still showed exactly what was going on underneath. No doubt, Julian was as hard as Beckett.

A flush of color shot up Beckett’s neck as he stared down at Julian’s cock.

“Never apologize. You don’t see me apologizing for being into you.” Julian dropped the hem of his T-shirt. “Shit, I’ll even go so far as to thank you. This is rare for me since my accident.” Julian reached for Beckett’s bicep, staying far away from the palm pressing against his cock, trying to make the hard-on go away. He gave a solid tug, dislodging Beckett’s hand from his cock. “I take it as a compliment. At a different time in my life, I would have been all over that.”

Julian took a final look at Beckett’s hard cock and reached for the strap of his garment bag. Beckett didn’t say a word as Julian left. A few steps from the door, Julian looked back over his shoulder to see Beckett still watching him leave. He always watched. Julian winked.

“I swaggered out of here because I knew you’d be looking.”

He walked the rest of the way to the door, then he turned again.

“Thank you for this today. Drinks on me tonight.”

“No worries. You don’t owe me anything, Julian,” Beckett said, his voice deeper and huskier. “I’m happy to do this with you. I’m getting something out of it too.”


