It’s Complicated – A Reservations Story Read Online Kindle Alexander

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Drama, Erotic, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 134
Estimated words: 123877 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 619(@200wpm)___ 496(@250wpm)___ 413(@300wpm)

“Are you good?” Beckett had angled his head, trying to get a glance at Julian’s face.

He should try to ease the concern of the man who had just kissed the fuck out of him. But he couldn’t find it in him to do anything more than tighten his own hold and purr like a damn cat against the opening of Beckett’s dress shirt. “I’m good. It was a…good kiss.”

A deep laugh rumbled through Beckett’s chest, vibrating against Julian’s rapidly beating heart. “That’s an understatement.”

Yeah, a big one. When had a kiss ever affected him so much?

Julian sighed, wishing life could be just like this forever.

“We should get you inside the car so you can go home.” Beckett’s hands traveled up Julian’s back, caressing and massaging until Beckett pushed past Julian’s shoulders and tangled his fingers inside Julian’s hair. Beckett gave a subtle, enjoyable yank, forcing Julian’s head backward. Julian’s cock liked it a whole lot as Beckett’s pelvis rolled against Julian’s, grinding an equally hard arousal against his. It seemed to surprise even Beckett. “I’m sorry about that. I don’t want to make you nervous. I’m just really into you.”

Beckett’s hands, still tangled in Julian’s hair, tugged gently, lifting Julian’s head until he looked Beckett in the eyes. Beckett searched his face. Whatever he saw softened the fine lines around his warm eyes, and the smallest of smiles lifted the corner of his mouth.

“You have stunning lips. I dream about your lips.” The light puffs of Beckett’s breath felt like tender caresses against his heated skin as Beckett’s words wrapped around Julian’s heart, giving a little squeeze.

Julian spoke his own truth. “So do you. I knew you’d be a good kisser. I could tell by the way you care for people that you’d make it good for me.”

Julian forced himself to loosen his grip. He was reasonably sure his legs would hold him upright. If he were going to have a flashback episode, surely it would have happened by now. Beckett surprised him by caging his cheeks between those strong palms and placing a simple kiss on his lips. He kissed Beckett back, following Beckett as he pulled away to kiss him again.

He had no idea what his future held. Honestly, he guessed nothing had really changed for him or between them, but he wanted Beckett to know that if nothing else, this moment had mattered. He’d take these nice feelings and the memory of their time together with him for the rest of his life.

The chaste kiss held until Beckett’s mouth opened. His tongue swept forward, and Julian instantly lost himself to the velvet plunge. All seduction and romance, then he found himself sucking air as Beckett fully lifted and unwound himself from Julian’s embrace.

Julian’s eyes fluttered open as Beckett’s hands came to his biceps, dislodging Julian’s grip. He blinked wildly and had to force his mouth shut. “Why did you stop?”

“Because this needs to go slow, and because you need to get home and get some rest. You were in the hospital just a few nights ago.”

Julian’s brow dropped into a scowl. Maybe it hadn’t been such a good idea to give Levi free rein to say whatever he wanted.

“I need your address for tomorrow’s class.”

When Beckett decided Julian was steady enough on his feet, he let him go. He took a firm step backward while he gathered the lapels of his suit coat and buttoned the single button together. The modern-cut jacket, of course, didn’t hide the solid erection outlined in Beckett’s slacks. Julian didn’t mind the visual and suspected several bellhops waiting by the back entrance wouldn’t mind either.

“I live in a condo complex nearby,” Julian said, watching everything about Beckett as he spoke. “I’ll text you the address. Will you come after you finish your class?”

The neurons in Julian’s head finally pulled together. Julian would be back at the club in the morning, but he could shoot home at any time.

“I finish around three, so three thirty works the best for me.”

Julian nodded.

The loss of Beckett’s warm body and tender hold sent an unreasonably cold shiver racing over him. It made no sense. When Beckett reached past him for the burger on top of the car, Julian had mistaken the move for another attempt to get closer. If Beckett realized Julian had wanted more, he didn’t act on it. He curled his hands into fists, digging the blunt tips of his nails into his palms to keep from reaching out. He craved the satisfyingly comfortable warmth that was all Beckett.

“Get in the car, so I can take off.” The warm southern drawl ghosted over Julian, and he nodded absently. He opened the door and shooed Woofer to the backseat.

“He takes good care of you,” Beckett said, nodding to the dog.

“Yeah. I chose him because he was so big and fierce.” Julian stuck his loafer-covered foot inside the car and lowered to the seat. “Maybe I should have just chosen you. You’re bigger and fiercer.”


