It’s Complicated – A Reservations Story Read Online Kindle Alexander

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Drama, Erotic, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 134
Estimated words: 123877 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 619(@200wpm)___ 496(@250wpm)___ 413(@300wpm)

Julian lost interest in helping Beckett remove the shirt as he stared at the wonderland that was Beckett’s muscular chest. Oh fuck, his cock was definitely on board, straining against his pants, urging him on as he splayed his hands over Beckett’s pecs and lowered his lips to the warm strip of skin underneath Beckett’s collarbone.

The rapid rise and fall of Beckett’s chest had Julian lifting his head to seal the moment with another kiss. It had been so long since he’d kissed a man like this. Julian was blindsided with a desire he’d thought had been stolen from him. So many feelings rushed over him, filling his mind with questions he’d have to confront sooner or later. But not right now. One thing he knew for certain was that Beckett’s mouth moving with his was just about the best thing he’d experienced in forever.

Beckett wrapped him in his arms, his firm hand cupping the back of Julian’s head. As much as he’d planned to control their moment, Beckett beat him to it and angled his head, driving his tongue forward. Julian surrendered to Beckett’s kiss, opening for him, allowing his sweet taste to chase away the last bit of uncertainty that held him back. This felt good, too good. He deepened the kiss. Beckett’s moan sent thrills echoing through his body. Julian wanted more.

Julian went straight for the button on Beckett’s pants. The need to watch Beckett come drove his every move. He worked the button free then slid the zipper down. Beckett didn’t resist; his hands rushed to help push the material away, then he drew back, questions written all over his face.

“Stroke yourself for me, Beckett.” He held Beckett’s dark gaze. “Please. I need to watch.” For a split second, Julian wasn’t certain his cowboy would give in to his request.

Beckett didn’t say a word. He only nodded as his big hand circled that gorgeous cock and stroked. At first, he moved his fist slowly up and down on that thick shaft as if he were drawing out the pleasure. The broad tip leaked with each pass of Beckett’s hand.

The smell of arousal hung heavy in the air. Beckett twisted his hand before sliding back down and up again. His breaths deepened as he picked up the pace, mesmerizing Julian with the uninhibited movements.

Julian’s dick pressed against the front of his pants, aching to be freed as he watched Beckett work himself. The man was magnificent, his muscles flexing with every downward motion of his fist.

“That’s it,” Julian praised, encouraging Beckett to let go. Need bloomed along his spine and fervent desire churned in his balls. His intention was merely to watch, but that wasn’t going to be enough for him. The sight of Beckett fucking his fist was sexy as hell. “So beautiful.” Julian choked out his words, their syllables thick with lust.

As hard as he’d tried, Julian couldn’t resist. He quickly undid his own pants, shoving them down as he gripped himself and stroked in time with Beckett.

“Oh, hell,” Beckett hissed, that whiskey gaze dropping to his cock, watching his hand move over his dick. Fuck if that didn’t make every stroke that much more satisfying.

Julian could guess by Beckett’s breathing that he was close; so was Julian. He snuggled closer. Julian placed his hand over the man’s fist, letting it ride Beckett’s a few strokes before moving away.

“Let me do this for both of us.” Julian urged Beckett to change positions and lie with his back down on the oversized sofa. Julian stretched out along Beckett’s body. He wrapped his fingers around them both, pressing their cocks together.

“Oh fuck, Julian.” Beckett’s intake of breath made him smile as he slid his palm back and forth over them.

The heat of Beckett against him had his head spinning and his body going on overload at the feel of that hard cock, hot and perfect, against his. He stroked them long and slow. Beckett’s mouth found his and his tongue pushed between his lips. Julian moaned into the kiss as Beckett’s hand joined his.

Heavy breathing and quick pants were the only sounds filling the room. Julian tightened his grip and used his thumb to tease the head of Beckett’s cock. “Come for me, Beck.”

“Yes.” Beckett groaned. His big body trembled as liquid heat coated Julian’s fingers.

Julian wasn’t prepared for the orgasm that slammed into him, taking him over the edge with such intensity that he cried out from the sudden burst of pleasure. Beckett kept his hand moving, working Julian through a release that seemed to go on forever. He was wrung out in such a good way. Floating in total bliss as he tried to catch his breath. It took everything inside him not to fall flat against Beckett’s body.

Julian had ended his dry streak in such a tantalizing way. He was energized to his core, happier than he ever remembered being. What a fan-fucking-tastic orgasm. It might have been the best of his life. His head wasn’t even the least bit fucked about it all.


